Sunday, August 20, 2006

MUSICAL :D, 19th aug

the musical was rather nice. not bad lah can do =/ heheh. well i took damn long to decide what to wear. and michelle chia came over to help. luckily she was there to help or else i really duno what to do. in the end my outfit was rather successful at least i didnt look disastrous.

saw thousands of people. and you know wad, amy tripped during the show! 0.o hahah but she tripped and still carried on. at least she didnt like run back stage. phew thats lucky lol or else it will seriously be funny.

SHOPPING DAY :D, 20th aug

went shopping today with my mummy. went to china town. quite successful. bought 2 belts, 1 necklace and a top. almost bough a skirt and a top but it way too expensive so decided to let it go. so heart breaking. especially the top it was so nice! ugh.


i watch finish already. can you believe it. ugh but the ending was quite lame. it was the wedding of a forensic pathologist and a forensic crew. and so the octb and forensic people were there. then suddenly, *beep* their pagers rang and there was a new case. but they didnt show the case thought. everybody left the place and they were walking to the crime scene. so cool la! its like so many and i didnt know there were so many and yet there were so many you know. i don't think you know. never mind.

oh man i miss the show. i wanna watch again. damn. oh yeah! and the last case was about the kidnap of the leader of forensic. the kidnapper was a clown! wth now im having nightmares of clowns. it was damn scary the way the clown like so everything and so. its damn freaky la. grrr im gonna stay away from clowns my whole life!


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